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Features ​

This is a list of all the individual features that Slidev provides. Each feature can be used independently and is optional.

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to learn the features by topic.

Block Frontmatter
Use a YAML code block as the frontmatter.
Generate PDF when Building
Generate a downloadable PDF along with your slides build.
Bundle Remote Assets
Download and bundle remote assets when building your slides.
Slide Canvas Size
Set the size for all your slides.
Click Markers
Highlighting notes and auto-scrolling to the active section of notes.
Line Numbers
Enable line numbering for all code blocks across the slides or individually.
Max Height
Set a maximum height for a code block and enable scrolling.
Navigation Direction Variants
Apply different styles and animations based on the navigation direction.
Draggable Elements
Move, resize, and rotate elements by dragging them with the mouse.
Drawing & Annotations
Draw and annotate your slides with ease.
Eject Theme
Eject the installed theme from your project to customize it.
Frontmatter Merging
Merge frontmatter from multiple markdown files.
Global Layers
Create custom components that persist across slides.
Use icons from virtually all open-source icon sets directly in your markdown.
Import Code Snippets
Import code snippets from existing files into your slides.
Importing Slides
Split your `` into multiple files for better reusability and organization.
Slidev comes with LaTeX support out-of-box, powered by KaTeX.
Line Highlighting
Highlight specific lines in code blocks based on clicks.
MDC Syntax
A powerful syntax to enhance your markdown content with components and styles.
Mermaid.js Diagrams
Create diagrams/graphs from textual descriptions, powered by Mermaid.
Monaco Editor
Turn code blocks into fully-featured editors, or generate a diff between two code blocks.
Monaco Runner
Run code directly in the editor and see the result.
Writable Monaco Editor
A monaco editor that allows you to write code directly in the slides and save the changes back to the file.
PlantUML Diagrams
Create diagrams from textual descriptions, powered by PlantUML.
Prettier Plugin
Use the Prettier plugin to format your slides.
Record your presentation with the built-in camera view and recording feature.
Remote Access
Access your presentation remotely with Slidev's remote access feature.
Rough Markers
Integrate Rough Notation to allow marking or highlighting elements in your slides.
Shiki Magic Move
Enable granular transition between code changes, similar to Keynote's Magic Move.
Integrated Editor
Edit your slides source file alongside the presentation.
Slide Hooks
Hooks to manage the slide lifecycle.
Slide Scope Styles
Define styles for only the current slide.
Slot Sugar for Layouts
A syntax sugar for named slots in layouts.
The `Transform` Component
A component for scaling some elements.
TwoSlash Integration
A powerful tool for rendering TypeScript code blocks with type information on hover or inlined.
VS Code Extension
Help you better organize your slides and have a quick overview of them.
Zoom Slides
Zoom the content of a slide to a specific scale.