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Components ​

This page lists all the built-in components provided by Slidev. These components can be directly used in your slides.

Note that

can provide additional components. To add your own components, see .

Arrow ​

Draw an arrow.

Usage ​

<Arrow x1="10" y1="20" x2="100" y2="200" />


<Arrow v-bind="{ x1:10, y1:10, x2:200, y2:200 }" />


  • x1 (string | number, required): start point x position
  • y1 (string | number, required): start point y position
  • x2 (string | number, required): end point x position
  • y2 (string | number, required): end point y position
  • width (string | number, default: 2): line width
  • color (string, default: 'currentColor'): line color
  • two-way (boolean, default: false): draw a two-way arrow

VDragArrow ​

An Arrow component that can be dragged.

Usage ​

Move, resize, and rotate elements by dragging them with the mouse.

Props not related to position are the same as the Arrow component.

AutoFitText ​


Box inside which the font size will automatically adapt to fit the content. Similar to PowerPoint or Keynote TextBox.

Usage ​

<AutoFitText :max="200" :min="100" modelValue="Some text"/>


  • max (string | number, default 100): Maximum font size
  • min (string | number, default 30): Minimum font size
  • modelValue (string, default ''): text content

LightOrDark ​

Use it to display one thing or another depending on the active light or dark theme.

Usage ​

Use it with the two named Slots #dark and #light:

  <template #dark>Dark mode is on</template>
  <template #light>Light mode is on</template>

Provided props on LightOrDark component will be available using scoped slot props:

<LightOrDark width="100" alt="some image">
  <template #dark="props">
    <img src="/dark.png" v-bind="props"/>
  <template #light="props">
    <img src="/light.png" v-bind="props"/>

You can provide markdown in the slots, but you will need to surround the content with blank lines:

  <template #dark>


  <template #light>



Insert a link you can use to navigate to a given slide.

Usage ​

<Link to="42">Go to slide 42</Link>
<Link to="42" title="Go to slide 42"/>
<Link to="solutions" title="Go to solutions"/>


  • to (string | number): The path of the slide to navigate to (slides path starts from 1)
  • title (string): The title to display

One can use a string as to, provided the corresponding route exists, e.g.

routeAlias: solutions

# Now some solutions!

PoweredBySlidev ​

Renders "Powered by Slidev" with a link to the Slidev website.

RenderWhen ​

Render slots depend on whether the context matches (for example whether we are in presenter view).

Usage ​

<RenderWhen context="presenter">This will only be rendered in presenter view.</RenderWhen>

Context type: 'main' | 'visible' | 'print' | 'slide' | 'overview' | 'presenter' | 'previewNext'


  • context (Context | Context[]): a context or array of contexts you want to check for
    • 'main': Render in slides and presenter view (equivalent to ['slide', 'presenter']),
    • 'visible': Render the content if it is visible
    • 'print': Render in print mode
    • 'slide': Render in slides
    • 'overview': Render in overview
    • 'presenter': Render in presenter view
    • 'previewNext': Render in presenter's next slide view


  • #default: Rendered when the context matches
  • #fallback: Rendered when the context does not match

SlideCurrentNo ​

Current slide number.

Usage ​

<SlideCurrentNo />

SlidesTotal ​

Total number of slides.

Usage ​

<SlidesTotal />

TitleRenderer ​

Insert the main title from a slide parsed as HTML.

Titles and title levels get automatically retrieved from the first title element of each slide.

You can override this automatic behavior for a slide by using the front matter syntax:

title: Amazing slide title
level: 2

Usage ​

The <TitleRenderer> component is a virtual component you can import with:

import TitleRenderer from '#slidev/title-renderer'

Then you can use it with:

<TitleRenderer no="42" />


  • no (string | number): The number of the slide to display the title from (slides starts from 1)

Toc ​

Insert a Table Of Content.

If you want a slide to not appear in the <Toc> component, you can use the hideInToc option in the frontmatter of the slide:

hideInToc: true

Titles are displayed using the <Titles> component

Usage ​

<Toc />


  • columns (string | number, default: 1): The number of columns of the display
  • listClass (string | string[], default: ''): Classes to apply to the table of contents list
  • maxDepth (string | number, default: Infinity): The maximum depth level of title to display
  • minDepth (string | number, default: 1): The minimum depth level of title to display
  • mode ('all' | 'onlyCurrentTree'| 'onlySiblings', default: 'all'):
    • 'all': Display all items
    • 'onlyCurrentTree': Display only items that are in current tree (active item, parents and children of active item)
    • 'onlySiblings': Display only items that are in current tree and their direct siblings

Transform ​

Apply scaling or transforming to elements.

Usage ​

<Transform :scale="0.5">
  <YourElements />


  • scale (number | string, default 1): transform scale value
  • origin (string, default 'top left'): transform origin value

Tweet ​

Embed a tweet.

Usage ​

<Tweet id="20" />


  • id (number | string, required): id of the tweet
  • scale (number | string, default 1): transform scale value
  • conversation (string, default 'none'): tweet embed parameter
  • cards ('hidden' | 'visible', default 'visible'): tweet embed parameter

VAfter, VClick and VClicks ​

Click to read this guide

VSwitch ​

Switch between multiple slots based on clicks.

Click to read this guide
  • If the unmount prop is set to true, the previous slot will be unmounted when switching to the next slot. Default is false.
  • Use the tag and childTag props to change the default tag of the component and its children. Default is div.
  • Use the transition prop to change the transition effect. Default is false (disabled).

VDrag ​

Move, resize, and rotate elements by dragging them with the mouse.

SlidevVideo ​

Embed a video.

Usage ​

<SlidevVideo v-click autoplay controls>
  <!-- Anything that can go in an HTML video element. -->
  <source src="/myMovie.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
  <source src="/myMovie.webm" type="video/webm" />
    Your browser does not support videos. You may download it
    <a href="/myMovie.mp4">here</a>.

Check HTML video element's doc to see what can be included in this component's slot.


  • controls (boolean, default: false): show the video controls
  • autoplay (boolean | 'once', default: false):
    • true or 'once': start the video only once and does not restart it once ended or paused
    • false: never automatically start the video (rely on controls instead)
  • autoreset ('slide' | 'click', default: undefined):
    • 'slide': go back to the start of the video when going back to the slide
    • 'click': go back to the start of the video when going back to the component's click turn
  • poster (string | undefined, default: undefined):
    • The source of the image to print when the video is not playing.
  • printPoster (string | undefined, default: undefined):
    • The override for poster when printing.
  • timestamp (string | number, default: 0):
    • The starting time of the video in seconds.
  • printTimestamp (string | number | 'last' | undefined, default: undefined):
    • The override for timestamp when printing.


When exporting, the video may fail to load because Chromium does not support some video formats. In this case, you can specify the executable path of the browser. See Chromium executable path for more information.

Youtube ​

Embed a YouTube video.

Usage ​

<Youtube id="luoMHjh-XcQ" />


  • id (string, required): id of the YouTube video
  • width (number): width of the video
  • height (number): height of the video

You can also make the video start at a specific time if you add ?start=1234 to the id value (where 1234 is seconds),

Released under the MIT License.