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Global Context ​

Slidev injects several global context values for advanced navigation controls.

Direct Usage ​

You can access them directly in your slides or components:

<!-- -->

# Page 1

Current page is: {{ $nav.currentPage }}
<!-- Foo.vue -->

  <div>Title: {{ $slidev.configs.title }}</div>
  <button @click="$">
    Next Click
  <button @click="$nav.nextSlide">
    Next Slide

Composable Usage ​

Available since v0.48.0

If you want to get the context programmatically (also type-safely), you can import composables from @slidev/client:

<script setup>
import { onSlideEnter, onSlideLeave, useDarkMode, useIsSlideActive, useNav, useSlideContext } from '@slidev/client'

const { $slidev } = useSlideContext()
const { currentPage, currentLayout, currentSlideRoute } = useNav()
const { isDark } = useDarkMode()
const isActive = useIsSlideActive()
onSlideEnter(() => { /* ... */ })
onSlideLeave(() => { /* ... */ })
// ...


Previously, you might see the usage of importing nested modules like import { isDark } from '@slidev/client/logic/dark.ts', this is NOT RECOMMENDED as they are internal implementation details and may change in the future. Always use the public APIs from @slidev/client if possible.


When the useSlideContext composable is used in a file, the automatic injection of $slidev will be disabled. You need to manually get the $slidev object to the useSlideContext function.

See also:
Hooks to manage the slide lifecycle.

Properties ​

$slidev ​

The global context object.

$frontmatter ​

The frontmatter object of the current slide. Note that this is empty for components out of the slides like


$clicks ​

$clicks hold the number of clicks on the current slide. Can be used conditionally to show different content on clicks.

<div v-if="$clicks > 3">Content</div>

See the

guide for more information.

A reactive object holding the properties and controls of the slide navigation. For examples:

$ // go next step
$nav.nextSlide() // go next slide (skip clicks)
$nav.go(10) // go slide #10

$nav.currentPage // current slide number
$nav.currentLayout // current layout name

For more properties available, refer to the SlidevContextNav interface.

$page ​

$page holds the number of the current page, 1-indexed.

Page: {{ $page }}

Is current page active: {{ $page === $nav.currentPage }}

> `$nav.clicks` is a global state while `$clicks` is the local clicks number for each slide.

$renderContext ​

$renderContext holds the current render context, which can be slide, overview, presenter or previewNext

<div v-if="['slide', 'presenter'].includes($renderContext)">
  This content will only be rendered in main slides view

You can also use the <RenderWhen> component.

$slidev.configs ​

A reactive object holding the configurations for the slide project. For example:

title: My First Slidev!

# Page 1


# Any Page

{{ $slidev.configs.title }} // 'My First Slidev!'

$slidev.themeConfigs ​

A reactive object holding the parsed theme configurations:

title: My First Slidev!
  primary: '#213435'

Then the theme can access the primary color like:

{{ $slidev.themeConfigs.primary }} // '#213435'

Types ​

If you want to get a type programmatically, you can import types like TocItem from @slidev/types:

<script setup>
import type { TocItem } from '@slidev/types'

function tocFunc(tree: TocItem[]): TocItem[] {
  // ...

Released under the MIT License.